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5 Reasons Why We Created Ranch Vision

The average ranch in the United States is generating negative 1.5% ROA annually before land appreciation. Meaning the average ranch operation is actively losing money.

We founded Ranch Vision to address this problem, reverse this trend, and empower the next generation of ranchers.

Why do you need to use Ranch Vision on your grazing livestock operation? These are 5 reasons why we designed Ranch Vision, and why we believe every rancher needs this program.

1. The Ranch Vision philosophy starts with the fundamental belief that ranchers deserve to profit, and need to profit.

There is an attitude surrounding agriculture that suggests ranchers and farmers should be grateful to provide food, that the job is an honor in itself, and that considering money or profit is almost beneath the profession.

We disagree.

The United States lost 20 million acres of ag land and 150,000 farms and ranches in the last five years alone.

If we want independent ranching to survive and thrive, we need to start with a mindset of empowering ranchers for SUCCESS.

2. Ranch Vision empowers independent ranchers.

A successful ranch is a ranch that is here to stay.

Profitability is a cornerstone of sustainability.

Because we care about the longevity of independent agriculture, we want to empower ranchers for profit and success.

We're on a mission to make ranches profitable enough to withstand the challenges against independent agriculture and the difficult landscape facing modern ranching.

Ranch Vision empowers independent producers 21st century business tools that are both powerful and user-friendly.

3. Ranch Vision helps ranchers design unique "ranch road maps" and creates a control panel for your ranch operation!

Ranch Vision empowers producers to create their own unique ranch road map to success on their operations.

We're not just another recordkeeping or data-tracking program.

The software requires minimal inputs, but provides detailed outputs.

Your Ranch Vision dashboard is the control panel of your ranch!

We know ranchers are busy. We don't ask you for hours and hours time-consuming inputs. Within under 2 hours, our rancher users are up and running, using the program to plan and optimize their ranch businesses. There has never been a program like Ranch Vision before!

4. Ranch Vision is designed to give ranchers the tools necessary to manage your ranch like a family business meant to last generations.

Your ranch is a legacy. Ranch Vision gives you the tools to finally manage for success.

FOR EXAMPLE: Ranchers can run multiple livestock enterprises at once on a grazing operations--both multiple kinds of livestock (i.e. cattle, sheep, and/or goats) and multiple enterprises (i.e. stocker/feeder, cow-calf, etc.). But there has never before been a straightforward way to see which of those enterprises is actually returning a profit, until Ranch Vision.

5. Ranch Vision is designed to give ranchers like you the BIG PICTURE.

Ranching is complex.

THINK ABOUT IT: Ranchers turn grass and forage into profit in the form of products such as meat and fiber by managing living herds of livestock. No other business is comparable!

The central question for ranchers is this: How can I BEST use my unique forage resources and ranch parameters to achieve optimal profit through my grazing operation?

Ranch Vision lets you see your ranch from your custom dashboard, complete with all the reports and data points you need to know where you're going and how to grow.

With Ranch Vision, you can see the breakdown of every enterprise on your ranch at a glance, along with a complete picture of your financials and your profit futures projected up to five years out!

Ready to learn more? Watch as a rancher finds an opportunity for 60%+ profit in the next year with Ranch Vision or schedule a demo with our team. But why wait? Sign up today and start managing for profit!


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